Student Teaching/Observation

Thank you for choosing Hempstead Independent School District for your student teaching/observation assignments. Please complete the following process to be placed in a classroom.

  1. Print & Complete Forms

    1. Student Teaching/Observation Assignment Form

    2. Background Authorization Form

      1. Forms missing information will not be processed

      2. Instructor or Director Signature is required

  2. Submit completed forms to Hempstead ISD Human Resources Department via…

    1. E-mail to: 

    2. Fax to: 979-826-5510

    3. In person to: 1440 13th Street Hempstead, Texas 77445

  3. Once background results are in and approved, the campus Secretary will be sent the application for Students Observations and Student Teachers.

  4. Campus Principal will approve the request, assign a teacher, and the Secretary will contact the student to set up the schedule. Placement will be based on availability!

Please Contact Hempstead ISD Human Resources Department if you have any questions.